*Note: The Climate Bill has been postponed and will not be discussed next Tuesday. Please ignore the day and time at the bottom of this page as they cannot be removed.
The WA Climate Change Bill is set to be reintroduced to WA Parliament!
The WA Climate Change Bill has no 2030 emissions reduction target - making WA the only state that has not committed to reducing emissions in this critical decade for the climate crisis.
This is not climate action!
We need to show up en masse at Parliament to let the WA government know we demand real action on climate.
Will you join the WA climate community at Parliament House to help show the government that we demand real climate action?
Why Act Now?
Currently, there are no legislated consequences for failing to meet targets and there is no independent body to scrutinise the government's emissions or assumptions. The WA Climate Bill presents a crucial opportunity for the state to take a leading role in mitigating the climate crisis and demonstrate our commitment to the world.
WA is on the frontline of climate change impacts. Our state has just experienced its hottest and driest summer on record, causing forest collapse in the South West and turtle and penguin deaths in Perth last month.
On the Day:
We’ll meet at the South Doors of Parliament House for a press conference featuring leading climate speakers before we all head in to Parliament’s public gallery to make sure the WA government know their climate inaction is being watched.
Save the date!
It’s possible the timing of this legislation may shift slightly but we will have confirmation of this on Friday. Please save the date now and register your interest so we can alert you if the day changes.
Let's flood the gallery together!