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Make Our Movement Visible!

Calling all nature lovers and climate activists!  

We've just had the hottest year on record. In the coming months, we will have a WA state election, an Australian federal election and final decisions on Woodside's North West Shelf Extension and Browse gas coming up. The NWS Extension and Browse gas project in Scott Reef are both key parts of the Burrup Hub, which will be the most polluting project in the Southern Hemisphere, emitting over 14 times Australia's annual emissions over it's lifetime!  

What does this all mean? Right now is the most critical and opportune time to take action and #GoBeyondGas. History tells us we need to take collective action and build power to win!  

How are we building power? We’re banding together to distribute 100’s of posters and core flutes in key electorates to start conversations and raise the profile of climate as a key voter issue. Imagine driving around your neighbourhood and seeing a sea of signs everywhere calling for stronger climate action - It’ll be a great show of solidarity and show politicians how strong we are together!  

Order a Go Beyond Gas yard sign now and help us make our movement visible!

Order your free sign here.

After you've ordered your yard sign, please help us take this action further by checking out our events page for more ways to get involved or making a small donation to help cover the cost