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Western Australia has a big gas problem

Big gas is fuelling the climate crisis
more than any other industry in Western Australia. Despite overwhelming evidence to support reducing emissions – and quickly – WA is rapidly expanding its most polluting industry.  

Our strategy is directed at stopping the biggest WA gas plans: Woodside’s Burrup Hub mega gas project - which includes Scarborough, the North West Shelf Extension and Browse. 

It’s possible to move WA beyond gas to become a renewable energy superpower. However, the WA gas industry wants to keep expanding its operations into the 2070s, at odds with WA’s net-zero by 2050 target.   

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Collective action is the solution

Acting together, we can build the community power necessary to shift the politics of gas in WA, stand up to WA’s biggest polluters and bring down emissions in our state.

We need to act now

1) Keep gas in the ground  

The climate science is clear, to address climate change we must stop any new or expanded gas projects, including Woodside’s Burrup Hub gas expansion. We also need to phase out gas power by 2035 and gas exports by 2040.

2) Secure strong climate legislation for WA  

WA needs strong climate legislation that is aligned with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, including short-term emissions reductions targets starting with 2030.

3) Plan for WA to go beyond gas to become a renewable energy superpower  

WA can be a world leader in renewable energy by decarbonising our electricity grid, winding down existing gas infrastructure, and investing in our incredible renewable export potential.  

Learn more →



Sign Up

Help stop gas expansion, bring WA’s emissions crisis under control, and help move WA to become a renewable energy superpower.

Sign the petition!

Soon, the WA Minister for Environment and Climate Action, Reece Whitby, will be deciding whether to approve the life of the North West Shelf gas processing facility - WA's oldest and dirtiest gas processing plant - to continue producing gas until 2070. 

We need your help to tell Minister Whitby and the WA Labor Government not to approve this project.

Big gas is fuelling the climate crisis more than any other industry in Western Australia. Despite overwhelming scientific evidence to support reducing emissions – and quickly – WA is rapidly expanding its most polluting industry. 

Moving WA beyond gas to become a renewable energy superpower is possible, but we need to act now.

You can download a hard copy of the petition here.

Dear Minister Whitby, 

The North West Shelf facility is the biggest industrial emitter in Western Australia. The ongoing operation of the North West Shelf facility until 2070 will emit an additional 4.395 billion tonnes of carbon pollution. The scale and emissions intensity of this extension are enormous and will have a significant impact on our climate.

We believe that the WA EPA has failed to properly consider the impacts of this project on our climate and environment and has failed to propose conditions that will adequately address the significant environmental harm that extending the life of the North West Shelf facility will cause. In light of these significant impacts, we believe that the WA Government can not approve this project.

As Minister for the Environment and Climate Action, you have a responsibility to ensure that our environment, community, and climate are protected. Your decisions on the North West Shelf extension proposal will determine whether Australia’s most polluting fossil fuel development proceeds and whether Western Australia’s carbon pollution goes up or begins to fall during this term of government.

Minister, you have considerable powers and responsibilities under the WA Environmental Protection Act. We are calling on you and the Cook Government to use these powers to protect our climate and our community and not approve the North West Shelf extension.

Please help shift Western Australia to go beyond gas and towards a safe climate future.

Will you sign?

Our network in action