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Woodside's Burrup Hub Threat

Woodside’s Burrup Hub mega-gas project on the North West coast of Western Australia is the most polluting fossil fuel project proposed in the Southern Hemisphere. If all plans get approved, the Burrup Hub will belch out 6.1 billion tonnes of emissions over its lifetime to 2070, around 13 times the annual emissions of Australia.  

This is Australia’s biggest climate threat. It also threatens the health of communities and the survival of our precious marine life and ecosystems. 

The Burrup Hub has several key components that Woodside has proposed for government approval that must be stopped: Scarborough, the Northwest Shelf Extension, and Browse.  

Reject the North West Shelf Extension 

Woodside is currently seeking an extension for its North West Shelf Project, one of the oldest and most polluting gas plants in Australia. 

If this extension receives government approval, it paves the way for WA to be processing and exporting gas until 2070! This is completely at odds with the WA Government target for net-zero emissions by 2050. 

The North West Shelf Project extension also poses risks via sourcing feed-gas from fracking the Kimberley region, a vast area of natural beauty populated by unique and vulnerable flora and fauna.   

Take 2-mins to email your MPs now!

Save Scott Reef 

Scott Reef is under threat from fossil fuel giant Woodside, and its monstrous Burrup Hub mega-gas project.  Under the pristine reef lies the browse gas field. Woodside wants to drill for gas at the reef, and pump the gas in a pipeline 900km long, through two marine parks to the North West Shelf processing plant. Woodside is planning to surround Scott Reef with up to 50 gas wells - the closest being just 2km from the reef's edge. 

Scott Reef is one of the most ecologically significant marine environments in the world, but this sanctuary for many species – including vulnerable green sea turtles and endangered pygmy blue whales – that are now at risk. 

We must have no new fossil fuel projects to ensure the future of the reef and any chance of a liveable climate, yet Woodside continues to put profit over people and the planet.  

Movement partners from WA and across the country are supporting West Aussies on the ground, fighting for the safety of Scott Reef and our climate through the Save Scott Reef Alliance. It is time for the community to come together and stand up to one of WA's biggest polluters to save Scott Reef for good! 


Take action here.